Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Memorial Weekend...

No trip to the Lake would be complete without a trip to Sonic

with Daddy

with Mommy

Look I am holding my rattle
(not really mommy pried my fingers open and I just gripped it)

Yummy watermelon
(cute outfit from my future boyfriend parents)
(also I think I am a beta fish because I make these bubbles all the time)

Rocking my bathing suite

Loading the boat into the water

Law requires me to wear this thing

Ready to Drive

Tummy Time

Waiting for the ride down to the water

Out on the water

Staying cool

 Nap time in my new sleeping postion
(sideways with my hands by my chin and arched back)

On the way home crying cause I am hungry and I want to hold my own bottle


  1. Love all the pictures!! She is so cute and already growing and changing so much! Enjoy it, next thing you know they are going to middle school and 3rd grade :/

  2. So cute! I can't believe how big she is already!
